Oxford, Bodleian Library

GB-Ob MS. M. Deneke Mendelssohn c. 62 [Konvolut]

Catalogue raisonné:
BWV / Bach-Werke-VerzeichnisBWV 1067, 1050, 47, 109, 163, 131, 135, 27, 139
Link to works:
BWV 1067; BWV 1050.2; BWV 47; BWV 109; BWV 163; BWV 131; BWV 135; BWV 27; BWV 139

Henschke, Amadeus Eduard Anton (1805–1854)
Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix (1809–1847)
Scribe (in detail):
A. E. Henschke;
F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy (Korrekturen, Notizen)
Date (exact):
Oktober/November 1842

Source Type:
Score, composite manuscript
relation from source:
has as part GB-Ob MS. M. Deneke Mendelssohn c. 62, Faszikel 1
has as part GB-Ob MS. M. Deneke Mendelssohn c. 62, Faszikel 2
has as part GB-Ob MS. M. Deneke Mendelssohn c. 62, Faszikel 3
has as part GB-Ob MS. M. Deneke Mendelssohn c. 62, Faszikel 4
has as part GB-Ob MS. M. Deneke Mendelssohn c. 62, Faszikel 5
has as part GB-Ob MS. M. Deneke Mendelssohn c. 62, Faszikel 6
has as part GB-Ob MS. M. Deneke Mendelssohn c. 62, Faszikel 7
has as part GB-Ob MS. M. Deneke Mendelssohn c. 62, Faszikel 8
has as part GB-Ob MS. M. Deneke Mendelssohn c. 62, Faszikel 9
Period of origin:
middle of the 19th century (ca. 1840–1859)
Title of source:
Kirchen-Cantaten IV
A. E. Henschke – F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy – Familienbesitz Mendelssohn – M. Deneke – H. Deneke – Oxford, Bodleian Library (1973)
Mendelssohns Kantatenband 4;
Vermerk von F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy: "Die Stimmen auf der Thomasschule zu Leipzig, 26. July 41" (mit geringfügigen Schreibvarianten befindet sich bei Faszikel 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13)

Crum II, S. 25f.; R. Wehner: "Mendelssohns Sammlung von "Kirchen-Cantaten" Johann Sebastian Bachs", in: "Zu groß, zu unerreichbar" (2007), S. 415-461 (insbes. S. 429-436)

Reproductions in the Bach-Archiv:
MF-Gö GB-Ob MS. M. Deneke Mendelssohn c. 62 [Konvolut] (Film)
MF-Gö GB-Ob MS. M. Deneke Mendelssohn c. 62 [Konvolut] (Film)
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2019-10-01 : 09:45:40