Nur jedem das Seine BWV 163; BC A 158 GND

Twenty-third Sunday after Trinity, Weimar Cantatas
Sacred cantata
Psalm: Psalm 85
Epistel: Philipper 3, 17-21
Gospel: Matthäus 22, 15-22
Sopran solo, Alt solo, Tenor solo, Bass solo, Sopran, Alt, Tenor, Bass, Violine I, Violine II, Viola, Violoncello I, Violoncello II, Basso continuo

Date of origin, Work history
vor dem 24. November 1715
First performance on November 24, 1715; subsequent performance likely on October 31, 1723 (Preservation of the autograph score within the first Leipzig Cantata Cycle; for the subsequent performance on Reformation Day, see Petzoldt 1990). Incompletely preserved: from movement 6 in the autograph score, only the figured Basso continuo part is available (Choral. Simplice stylo, without text/text label), identification of the choral by text print

A further performance in Leipzig cannot be proved. Most likely it could have been on October 31, 1723.
Early performances
, Weimar, Himmelsburg (Schlosskirche) (Premiere) (Link to event)
Predigt: Johann Georg Layritz
WA vermutlich 31. Oktober 1723 in Thomaskirche, Predigt: Christian Weise d. Ä.
relation to other works:
is part of BWV diverse [1. Jg.]
is part of BWV diverse [W. Kant.]
Introduction to the work
Link to videos:
Nur jedem das Seine, BWV 163 (Amsterdam Baroque, T. Koopman)

Author Libretto
Franck, Salomon (1659–1725)
S. Franck. Movement 6: Wo soll ich fliehen hin (J. Heermann, 1630), stanza 11. Text print: Franck 1715, page 182 (choral text slightly different)
Link to lyrics
Author Chorale
Heermann, Johann (1585–1647)

Original sources
D-B Bach P 137 [Score]
Additional sources
D-B Bach P 1159/XVI, Faszikel 6 [Score]
D-B Bach P 461, Faszikel 1 [Score]
D-B Bach St 471 [Part(s)]
GB-Ob MS. M. Deneke Mendelssohn c. 62, Faszikel 5 [Score]
GB-Ob MS. M. Deneke Mendelssohn c. 62 [Konvolut] [Score]
PL-Wu RM 5928 [Score]
Verschollen Sing-Akademie BWV 163, Stimmen [Part(s)]


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