Leipzig, Stadtbibliothek Leipzig, Musikbibliothek

D-LEm Becker III.8.4 [Andreas-Bach-Buch]

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book cover + flyleaf (recto)
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Note (Orgelarchiv)
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J. S. Bach: Fugue in A major (BWV 949) [incomplete]
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G. Böhm: Suite in A minor
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J. S. Bach: Fugue in A major (BWV 949, copy 19th century)
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J. S. Bach: Toccata in F-sharp minor (BWV 910)
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J. Pachelbel: 2 Toccatas in C major
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D. Buxtehude: Prelude in G minor (BuxWV 150)
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J. Kuhnau: Biblical Sonata No. 1
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J. Kuhnau: Biblical Sonata No. 2
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J. Kuhnau: Biblical Sonata No. 3
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J. Kuhnau: Biblical Sonata No. 5
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J. Kuhnau: Biblical Sonata No. 6 (incomplete)
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G. Böhm: Prelude in G minor
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G. P. Telemann: Overture in E-flat major TWV 55: Es 4
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G. Böhm: Overture in D major
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D. Buxtehude: Chaconne (BuxWV 159)
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C. F. Polaroli: Capriccio in D major
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G. E. Bestel (Pestel): Suite in D major
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J. S. Bach: Overture in F major (BWV 820)
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J. A. Reincken: Ballet in E minor
a thumbnail of the image
J. A. Reincken: Toccata in G major
a thumbnail of the image
G. Böhm: Suite in E-flat major
a thumbnail of the image
G. Böhm: Suite in C minor
a thumbnail of the image
J. S. Bach: Passacaglia in C minor, continuation + ending (BWV 582)
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Auflösungsversuch des Kanons BWV 1079/4 i
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J. S. Bach: Passacaglia in C minor, beginning (BWV 582)
a thumbnail of the image
J. S. Bach: Toccata in C minor (BWV 911)
a thumbnail of the image
D. Buxtehude: Fugue in C major (BuxWV 174)
a thumbnail of the image
J. S. Bach: Toccata in G major (BWV 916)
a thumbnail of the image
J. S. Bach: Fugue in G minor (BWV 578)
a thumbnail of the image
J. Pachelbel: Chaconne in D minor
a thumbnail of the image
J. S. Bach: Gott durch deine Güte, tablature (BWV 724)
a thumbnail of the image
J. Pachelbel: Toccata & Fugue in D minor
a thumbnail of the image
J. S. Bach: Prelude in C minor (BWV 921)
a thumbnail of the image
J. S. Bach: Fantasia in C minor (BWV 1121)
a thumbnail of the image
C. F. Witt: Capriccio in E minor
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C. Ritter: Sonatina in D minor
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J. S. Bach: Aria variata in A minor (BWV 989)
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M. Marais: Suite from 'Alcide'
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L. Marchand: Suite in D minor (Pièces de Clavecin)
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J. H. Buttstedt: Fugue in E minor
a thumbnail of the image
Anon.: Choral setting "Auf meinen lieben Gott"
a thumbnail of the image
D. Buxtehude: Chaconne in E minor (BuxWV 160)
a thumbnail of the image
C. Ritter: Suite in F-sharp minor
a thumbnail of the image
C. F. Polaroli: Capriccio in C major
a thumbnail of the image
J. S. Bach: Fantasia in C major (BWV 570)
a thumbnail of the image
J. A. Reincken: Partita on "Schweiget mir vom Weibernehmen"
a thumbnail of the image
J. C. F. Fischer: Prelude & Chaconne in G major
a thumbnail of the image
Anon.: Fugue in G major
a thumbnail of the image
J. G. Küchenthal: Chant bercean in C major
a thumbnail of the image
J. S. Bach: Fugue in C minor (BWV 574b)
a thumbnail of the image
D. Buxtehude: Passacaglia in D minor (BuxWV 161)
a thumbnail of the image
J. S. Bach: Fantasia con imitatione in B minor (BWV 563)
a thumbnail of the image
D. Buxtehude: Choral setting "O Lux beata Trinitas", beginning (BuxWV 216)
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J. H. Buttstedt: Prelude in G major (Musicalische Clavier-Kunst und Vorraths-Cammer Nr. 4)
a thumbnail of the image
D. Buxtehude: Präludium & Chaconne in C (BuxWV 137)
a thumbnail of the image
J. S. Bach: Fantasia & Fuge in a (BWV 944)
a thumbnail of the image
Anon: Sketch of 4 bars in 3/4 metre
a thumbnail of the image
anonym: Fugue in E minor, incomplete (BWV 960)
a thumbnail of the image
anonym: unknown sketch
a thumbnail of the image
flyleaves + book cover (verso)
Catalogue raisonné:
BWV / Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis
BWV 949, 949, 910, 820, 582, 911, 916, 578, 724, 921, 1121, 989, 570, 574b, 563, 944, 960 / Anh. II 102-> (T. 1-142), 1079/4i
Perreault 455, 456, 469.1, 41, 469.2, 279
Works (not family of Bach):
s. Kilian, KB IV/5-6, S. 125 u. Schulze St (1984), S. 43
Link to works:
BWV 949; BWV 910; BWV 820; BWV 582; BWV 911; BWV 916; BWV 578; BWV 724; BWV 921; BWV 1121; BWV 989; BWV 570; BWV 574.1; BWV 563; BWV 944; BWV 960 / Anh. II 102->; BWV 1079

Bach, Johann Christoph (1671–1721, Ohrdruf)
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685–1750)
Bach, Johann Lorenz (1695–1773)
Becker, Carl Ferdinand (1804–1877)
unknown scribe
Scribe (in detail):
J. Christoph Bach and 9 other scribes;
921: J. Christoph Bach (b. 1-76), J. S. Bach, fair copy (b.77-end);
1121: J. S. Bach (in tablature);
944: J. Chr. Bach (except b. 102-125: unknown scribe);
949 (1). J. Christoph Bach;
949 (2): unknown scribe;
910, 911, 989: J. Christoph Bach;
916: J. Christoph Bach and 2 unknown scribes, one of them perhaps J. Lorenz Bach (= Anon. Weimar 2) [Wollny];
820: unknown scribe 2;
1079: C. F. Becker
Date (exact):
1705-1714; 1079: nach 1835

Source Type:
Score, collective manuscript (Original source)
Extent, Dimensions (cm):
129 leaves, 32 x 21 cm
Period of origin:
beginning of the 18th century (ca. 1700–1719)
J. Christoph Bach – J. B. Bach – J. A. Bach (1754) – J. Ch. G. Bach? – J. G. Möller? – E. Platner, Leipzig (ca. 1806) – C. F. Michaelis (1820) – C. F. Becker (1835) – Stadt Leipzig (1856) – Leipzig, Musikbibliothek der Stadt Leipzig (1954) – Leipzig, Stadt- und Bezirksbibliothek (1973) – Leipzig, Städtische Bibliotheken, Musikbibliothek (1991)
Description of watermark:
Hauptcorpus: WZ nicht erkennbar;
2 später vorangestellte Einzelbll. (Bl. 5+6 = BWV 949 (2)): CV (oder CA?);
Bl. 2 und 127 (später eingefügt): a) und b) Tannenbaum (auf Steg)
Master copy:
949 (1): verschollenes Autograph [alpha], s. Stemma KB V/9.2, S. 301;
949 (2): 949 (1) post correcturam, s. Stemma KB V/9.2, S. 301;
910: verschollenes Autograph [H], s. KB V/9.1, S. 25;
820: wohl verschollenes Autograph, s. KB V/10, S. 60;
582: verschollenes Autograph [A1], s. Stemma KB IV/7, S. 133;
911: verschollenes Autograph [D], s. KB V/9.1, S. 44f. (kein Stemma);
916: verschollenes Autograph [M], s. KB V/9.1, S. 114 (kein Stemma);
578: verschollenes Autograph [A1], s. Stemma KB IV/5-6, S. 734;
724: ?;
921: verschollenes Autograph [alpha], s. Stemma KB V/9.2, S. 54;
1121: ?;
989: verschollenes Autograph [alpha], s. Stemma KB V/10, S. 43;
570: verschollenes Autograph [A], s. Stemma KB IV/5-6, S. 729;
574b: verschollenes Autograph [A], s. Stemma KB IV/5-6, S. 740;
563: verschollenes Autograph [A], s. Stemma KB IV/5-6, S. 736;
944: verschollenes Autograph [alpha] (s. Stemma KB V/9.2, S. 274);
1079/4i: D-LEm Becker III 6.17
Es handelt sich um das "Andreas-Bach-Buch". Etwa 5 Blätter des ursprünglichen Handschriftencorpus sind verschollen.
Zu BWV 949 (1) = die Ältere der beiden Abschriften: Alte Rötelfoliierung läßt erkennen, daß das Stück nachträglich nach vorn geheftet wurde zu der anderen, jüngeren Abschrift = BWV 949 (2); früher befand es sich auf folio 53.
Hingegen handelt es sich bei der ersten Version von 949 um eine spätere Eintragung, möglicherweise Kopie der späteren. Auch BWV 960 / Anh. II 102-> wurde später, wohl nach 1754 eingetragen (hierzu s. H. Eichberg, BJ 1975, S. 17ff.);
BWV 921 ohne Autorenangabe überliefert;

Description in complete edition, Critical report:
IV/5-6, S. 122ff.
Also mentioned in:
IV/7, S. 123; V/9.1, S. 13, 38 u. 108f.; 1079: VIII/1, S. 86; IV/3, S. 31; V/10, S. 40, 56f.; V/9.2, S. 52, S. 265, S. 298; IV/11, S. 89
Krause I, S. 15-16; Schulze St, S. 30 ff.; Hill Moe, S. 348ff.

Reproductions in the Bach-Archiv:
QK A XIII 3 (Xerox)
QK A VIII 22/7 (Xerox)
QK-Gö D-LEm III 8.4 (I) (Xerox)
QK-Gö D-LEm III 8.4 (II) (Xerox)
MF Ia, 19:1 (Film)
MF Ia, 19:2 (Film)
MF Ia, 19:3 (Film)
MF Ia, 19:4 (Film)
MF Ia, 19:4a (Film)
CD-R 126 (Scan)
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Übernahme von www.bach.gwdg.de
Last changed
2023-02-22 : 06:15:07