virtual source

[Kantate BWV 130: Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir (1./2. Fassung)] Originalstimmensatz/original parts

Catalogue raisonné:
BWV / Bach-Werke-VerzeichnisBWV 130 (Fassung 1724 und Fassung 1735 mit 3 Streichern statt Trombe I-III))
Link to works:
BWV 130.1

Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685–1750)
Meißner, Christian Gottlob (1707–1760)
Anon. IIb
Anon. IIg

Source Type:
Part(s), composite manuscript (Original source)
relation to sources:
relation from source:
has as part A-Wgm A 92 [= Violine II, Ergänzung]
has as part B-Bapr Papiers Reine Elisabeth No. 161 [= Clarino II]
has as part CH-CObodmer Ms.11625 [= Viola, Ergänzung]
has as part D-B 474 [= Basso continuo (transp.), Fragment c]
has as part D-B Bach P 895 [= Tenor, Fragment]
has as part D-Cv A.V,1109,(1),3 [= Clarino III]
has as part D-Eib A. A. 4 [= Basso continuo]
has as part D-F Mus Hs 1537 [= Basso continuo (transp.), Fragment b]
has as part GB-Lbl Add. MS. 41629, Faszikel 2 [= Oboe I]
has as part GB-Lbl Zweig MS. 2 [= Viola]
has as part Unbekannter Privatbesitz, BWV 130 (1) [= Timpani]
has as part Unbekannter Privatbesitz, BWV 130 (2) [= Violine I, 1724]
has as part Unbekannter Privatbesitz, BWV 130 (3) [= Violine I, Ergänzung]
has as part Unbekannter Privatbesitz (A), BWV 130 (4) [= Violine II, 1724]
has as part Privatbesitz Mme. Gouin (F-Paris), BWV 130 [= Clarino I]
has as part Privatbesitz D. Ogilvy (GB-Pencaitland), BWV 130 [= Soprano]
has as part US-CAh bMS Eng 870 (35a) [= Alto]
has as part US-PRscheide BWV 130 [= Oboe II, III]
has as part Verschollen BWV 130, Sammlung Pleyel [= Basso]
has as part Verschollen BWV 130, Originalstimme (Basso continuo (transp.), Fragment a)
has complement Verschollen BWV 130, Originalstimmen (Dubletten)
has as part Verschollen BWV 130, Originalstimme (Flauto traverso)
has as part [Kantate BWV 130: Originalstimme Basso continuo (transp.)]
Period of origin:
first half of the 18th century (ca. 1720–1739)
Master copy:
D-B 55 MS 209

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C. Blanken
Last changed
2024-01-23 : 06:04:39