Berlin, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz

D-B Bach P 180

a thumbnail of the image
Cover Part I
a thumbnail of the image
1. [Kyrie eleison]
a thumbnail of the image
2. Christe [eleison]
a thumbnail of the image
3. Kyrie [eleison]
a thumbnail of the image
4a. (4.) Gloria
a thumbnail of the image
4b. (5.) Et in terra pax
a thumbnail of the image
5. (6.) Laudamus te
a thumbnail of the image
6. (7.) Gratias agimus tibi
a thumbnail of the image
7a. (8.) Domine Deus
a thumbnail of the image
7b. (9.) Qui tollis
a thumbnail of the image
8. (10.) Qui sedes
a thumbnail of the image
9a. (11.) Quoniam tu solus sanctus
a thumbnail of the image
9b. (12.) Cum Santo Spiritu
a thumbnail of the image
Cover Part II
(Symbolum Nicenum )
a thumbnail of the image
Symbolum Nicenum
10. (1.) Credo in unum Deum
a thumbnail of the image
11. (2.) Patrem omnipotenem
a thumbnail of the image
12. (3.) Et in unum Dominum
a thumbnail of the image
13. (4.) Et incarnatus est
a thumbnail of the image
14. (5.) Crucifixus
a thumbnail of the image
15. (6.) Et resurrexit
a thumbnail of the image
16. (7.) Et in Spiritum sanctum
a thumbnail of the image
17a. (8.) Confiteor
a thumbnail of the image
17b. (9.) Et expecto
a thumbnail of the image
variant of 12. (3.) Et in unum Dominum
a thumbnail of the image
Cover Part III
a thumbnail of the image
18a. Sanctus + 18b. Pleni sunt coeli
a thumbnail of the image
Cover Part IV
(Osanna, Benedictus, Agnus Dei et Dona nobis pacem)
a thumbnail of the image
19.+21. (1.+3.) Osanna in excelsis
a thumbnail of the image
20. (2.) Benedictus
a thumbnail of the image
22. (4.) Agnus Dei
a thumbnail of the image
23. (5.) Dona nobis pacem
Catalogue raisonné:
BWV / Bach-Werke-VerzeichnisBWV 232 (Frühfassung ante correcturam erkennbar)
Link to works:
BWV 232.4; BWV 232.2

Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685–1750)
Date (exact):
Teil I (Missa) 1733; Teil II (Symbolum Nicenum) bis Teil IV (Osanna, Benedictus, Agnus Dei, Dona nobis pacem) vermutlich August 1748 bis Oktober 1749

Source Type:
Score, single manuscript (Original source)
relation from source:
has successor D-B Bach P 14
has successor D-B Bach P 22
has successor D-B Bach P 23
has successor D-B Bach P 572
has successor D-B Bach P 1145
has successor D-B Bach P 1212
has successor D-B Bach St 118, Faszikel 1
has successor GB-Ob Tenbury MS 1230
has successor [Messe in h-Moll (BWV 232)] Partitur J. F. Hering
Extent, Dimensions (cm):
99 leaves, 33,5 x 21,5 cm (Titelblätter: Bl. 1, 50, 79, 89), 35 x 21,5 cm (Bl. 2-49), 36 x 23 cm (Bl. 51-78, 80-88, 90-99)
Period of origin:
middle of the 18th century (ca. 1740–1759)
Title of source:
TS: [1. Titelblatt:] No. 1. | Missa | a | 5 Voci | 2 Soprani | Alto | Tenore | Basso | 3 Trombe | Tamburi | 2 Traversi | 2 Oboi | 2 Violini | 1 Viola | e | Continuo | di | J. S. Bach; TS: [2. Titelblatt:] No. 2 | Symbolum Nicenum | à | 5 Voci. | 2 Soprani. | 1 Alto | 1 Tenore | 1 Basso. | 3 Trombe | Tamburi | 2 Fl. Traversieri | 2 Oboi. | 2 Violini | 1 Viola | e | Continuo. | di | J. S. Bach.; TS: [3. Titelblatt:] No. 3. | Sanctus. | a 6 Vocibus | 2 Soprani | 2 Alti | 1 Tenor | 1 Bass. | 3 Trombe | Tamburi | 3 Oboi. | 2 Violini | 1 Viola | e | Continuo. | di | J. S. Bach.; [4. Titelblatt:] No. 4. | Osanna | Benedictus | Agnus Dei et | Dona nobis pacem. | ab | 8 Vocibus. | 2 Soprani | 2 Alti | 2 Tenor | 2 Bassi. | 3 Trombe | Tamburi | 2 Traversieri | 2 Oboi | 2 Violini | 1 Viola | e | Continuo. | di | J. S. Bach.
J. S. Bach – C. P. E. Bach – A. C. P. Bach – C. F. G. Schwencke (1805) – H. G. Nägeli (1805) – Hermann Nägeli (1836) – A. Wehner (1857) – F. Chrysander (1857) – Bach-Gesellschaft, Leipzig (1857) – Königliche Bibliothek zu Berlin (1861), jetzt Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung
Description of watermark:
Bl. 2-49: MA große Form = Weiß Nr. 121
Bl. 51-78, 80-88, 90-99: a) heraldische Lilie; b) Monogramm CV = Weiß Nr. 73
Bl. 50, 89: a) Kelch über Schrifttafel; b) IPF = Weiß Nr. 100; Bl. 79 ohne Zeichen, aber gleiches Papier
Link to watermark:
autographe Paginierung: S. 2-95 (Bl. 2v-49r), S. 97-152 (Bl. 51r-78v), S. 153-168 (Bl. 80r-87v), S. 169-188 (Bl. 90r-99v)
Die Frühfassung von Kyrie und Gloria ist nur in den Dresdner Stimmen enthalten; in P 180 ist das Kyrie und das Gloria durch Eingriffe Bachs zur Spätfassung mutiert.
Akzessionsnummer: 7432

Description in complete edition, Critical report:
II/1, S. 15, 209-214, 236ff.
Also mentioned in:
II/1a, S. 13f.
G. von Dadelsen, in: BFB Stuttgart 1958, S. 77-83; ders.: F. Smends Ausgabe der h-Moll-Messe v. J. S. Bach, Mf 12, 1959, S, 315-334; Kobayashi Chr (in: BJ 1988, S. 7-72), S. 13, 14, 15, 24-26, 61, 66

Reproductions in the Bach-Archiv:
QK-Gö D-B P 180 (1) (Xerox)
QK-Gö D-B P 180 (2) (Xerox)
MF-Gö D-B P 180 (Film)
CD-R 65/1-5 (Scan)
CPEB NV 1790, S. 72 [2]; "(----) N. 1. Missa. (----) In eigenhändiger Partitur. || N. 2. Symbolun Nicænum (Credo.) (----) Eigenhändige Partitur, und | auch in (----) Stimmen. (----) || N. 3. Sanctus. (----) Eigenhändige Partitur. || N. 4. Osanna. (----) Eigenhändige Partitur."
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2021-03-15 : 11:03:23