Fourteen Canons BWV 1087 GND

Canons, The Musical Offering, The Art of Fugue

Date of origin, Work history
1747–1748 (autograph fair copy)
These are 14 different canon types over the first eight notes of the aria bass of BWV 988. Nos. 11 and 13 largely correspond to BWV 1077 and 1076 (these were each slightly revised for the dedicatees).

1. Canon simplex
2. all’ roverscio
3. Beede vorigen Canones zugleich, motu recto e contrario
4. motu contrario e recto
5. Canon duplex à 4
6. Canon simplex über besagtes Fundament à 3
7. Idem à 3
8. Canon simplex à 3, il soggetto in Alto
9. Canon in unisono post semifusam à 3
10. Alio modo, per syncopationes et per ligaturas à 2 / Evolutio
11. Canon duplex übers Fundament à 5 (= BWV 1077)
12. Canon duplex über besagte Fundamental-Noten à 5
13. Canon triplex à 6 (= BWV 1078)
14. Canon à 4 per Augmentationem et Diminutionem
relation to other works:
is realization of BWV 988

Original sources
F-Pn MS-17669 [Originaldruck Klavierübung BWV 988] [Score]


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2023-04-03 : 01:23:21