Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied BWV 190.1; BWV 190; BC A 21 GND

New Year's Day (Feast of the Circumcision of Christ), Cantata Cycle I (1723/1724)
Sacred cantata
Psalm: Psalm 34
Epistel: Galater 3, 23-29
Gospel: Lukas 2, 21
A*, T*, B*, S, A, T, B; 3 Tr, Timp, 3 Ob, Ob d’am, Bs, 2 Vl, Va, Bc

Date of origin, Work history
vor dem 01. Januar 1724
First performance on January 1, 1724; subsequent performance around 1736–1740 (autograph revision of the parts). Movements 1–2 are incompletely preserved (all brass and woodwind parts, timpani, and basso continuo are missing)
Early performances
, Leipzig, St. Thomas Church (Premiere) (Link to event)
Die Erstaufführung dieser Kantate fand im Frühgottesdienst der Thomaskirche mit Predigt von Johann Gottlob Carpzov, und am gleichen Tag im Vespergottesdienst der Nikolaikirche statt, hier mit Predigt von Romanus Teller.
WA um 1736—1740
relation to other works:
is part of BWV diverse [1. Jg.]
relation from other works:
is adapted in BWV 190/7 (o.I.) ChS
has revision BWV 190.2
Introduction to the work
Link to videos:
Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied BWV 190.1 (Amsterdam Baroque, T. Koopman)

Author unknown. Movement 1: Psalm 149, 1, and Psalm 150, 4 and 6, Herr Gott, dich loben wir (Germanized Te Deum, M. Luther, 1529), lines 1 and 2. The same lines within Movement 2. Movement 7: Jesu, nun sei gepreiset (J. Hermann, 1593), stanza 2. Text print Döbeln 1736
Link to lyrics

Original sources
D-B Bach P 127 [Score]
D-B Bach St 88 [Part(s)]
Additional sources
D-B Bach P 1159/VII, Faszikel 4 [Score]
D-B Bach P 1159/XIV, Faszikel 7 [Score]
D-B Bach P 150 [Score]
D-B Bach P 458, Faszikel 3 [Score]
D-B Bach P 463, Faszikel 2 [Score]
PL-Wu RM 5922 [Score]
PL-Wu RM 5930 [Score]
Verschollen Choralsammlung [Score]


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2023-09-12 : 11:38:27