Siehe zu, dass deine Gottesfurcht nicht Heuchelei sei BWV 179; BC A 121 GND

Eleventh Sunday after Trinity, Cantata Cycle I (1723/1724)
Other catalogues
NV 1790, S. 80 [7]
Sacred cantata
Psalm: Psalm 130
Epistel: 1. Korinther 15, 1-10
Gospel: Lukas 18, 9-14
S*, T*, B*, S, A, T, B; 2 Ob, 2 Ob da cac, 2 Vl, Va, Bc

Date of origin, Work history
vor dem 08. August 1723
First performance on August 8, 1723. Movement 1 and 3 are templates for parody for BWV 236/1 and 5; movement 5 is a template for parody for BWV 234/4
Early performances
, Leipzig, St. Nicholas Church (Premiere) (Link to event)
Predigt: Friedrich Werner
relation to other works:
is part of BWV diverse [1. Jg.]
relation from other works:
is adapted in BWV 179/6 ChS
Movement 1 and 3 are models for BWV 236/1 and 5; mvt. 5 is model for BWV 234/4.
Introduction to the work
Link to videos:
Siehe zu, dass deine Gottesfurcht nicht Heuchelei sei, BWV 179 (Amsterdam Baroque, T. Koopman)

Author unknown. Movement 1: Jesus Sirach 1, 34. Movement 6: Ich armer Mensch, ich armer Sünder (C. Tietze, 1663), stanza 1
Link to lyrics

Original sources
D-B Bach P 146 [Score]
D-B Bach St 348 [Part(s)]
Additional sources
D-B Am.B 43, Faszikel 7 [Score]
D-B Am.B 43 [Konvolut] [Score]
D-B Bach P 192 [Score]
D-KNu K 16a/6412 [Score]
D-Sl Bac 200/35 112-4 [Erstdruck] [Score]
PL-Wu RM 5919 [Score]
Verschollen BWV 179, Breitkopf [Score]
Verschollen Choralsammlung [Score]
Verschollen Sing-Akademie BWV 179 (1), Partitur [Score]
Verschollen Sing-Akademie BWV 179 (2), Stimmen [Part(s)]


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2023-08-24 : 10:47:47