Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten BWV 59; BC A 82 GND

Whitsun/Pentecost, Cantata Cycle I (1723/1724)
Sacred cantata
Psalm: Psalm 51
Epistel: Apostelgeschichte 2, 1-13
Gospel: Johannes 14, 23-31
Sopran solo, Bass solo, Sopran, Alt, Tenor, Bass, Tromba I, Tromba II, Timpani, Violine I, Violine II, Viola, Basso continuo

Date of origin, Work history
um 1718
Date of composition in Karlsbad around 1718 (watermark; incomplete, see Wollny BJ 2020). Based on the original parts, the first performance likely took place on May 28, 1724. Movement 1 and 4 were modified (completed?) and reused in BWV 74/1 and 2, while movement 3 in BWV 175/7. The notation “Chorale seque” in the Leipzig Basso continuo part suggests a performance concluded with an (unknown) final chorus
Early performances
, Leipzig (Premiere) (Link to event)
relation to other works:
is exemplar of BWVBC F
is part of BWV diverse [1. Jg.]
Link to videos:
Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten, BWV 59 (J. S. Bach Stiftung St. Gallen)

Author Libretto
Neumeister, Erdmann (1671–1756)
E. Neumeister. Movement 1: John 14, 23. Movement 3: Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott (M. Luther, 1524), stanza 1. Printed text: Neumeister 1714 (lost, only movements 1–4 set to music); Neumeister 1716/1717, page 279
Link to lyrics
Author Chorale
Luther, Martin (1483–1546)
Bible verse
Other printed librettos

Original sources
D-B Mus.ms. Bach P 161 [Score, Sketch]
D-B Mus.ms. Bach St 102 [Part(s)]
Additional sources
D-B Mus.ms. Bach P 1159/V, Faszikel 3 [Score]
D-B Mus.ms. Bach P 162 [Score]
D-B Mus.ms. Bach P 465, Faszikel 5 [Score]
D-B Mus.ms. Bach P 492, Faszikel 4 [Score]
D-HVs Kestner No. 164 (Nr. 1-8) [Part(s)]
PL-Wu RM 5921 [Score]
PL-Wu RM 5930 [Score]
Verschollen BWV 59, C. v. Winterfeld Nr. 295 [Score]

Wollny BJ 2020

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