Bruxelles (Brussels), Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles

B-Bc 719 MSM, Faszikel 10

Catalogue raisonné:
BR-CPEB / Bach-Repertorium Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
Wq / Wotquenne-Verzeichnis
BR-CPEB H 31/7
Wq 197.7 (Arrangement)
Link to works:
BR-CPEB H 31/1–30; BR-CPEB H 31/7

Westphal, Johann Jacob Heinrich (1756–1825)
Date (exact):
um 1790

Source Type:
Score, single manuscript
relation to sources:
is part of B-Bc 719 MSM [Konvolut]
Extent, Dimensions (cm):
6 Blätter, 29 x 19,5 cm
Period of origin:
end of the 18th century (ca. 1790–1799)
Title of source:
TS: Chor. | Gottes Größte in der Natur etc. | aus Sturms Gesängen. | von | C. P. E. Bach und Weimar. | â | II. Clarini | Tympani | II. Corni | II. Oboi | II. Violini | II. Violette | II. Soprani | Tenore | Basso | ed | Organo
J. J. H. Westphal – F.-J. Fétis (um 1836/37) – Bruxelles (Brüssel), Conservatoire Royal de Musique, Bibliothèque (ca. 1840)
Bearbeitung G. P. Weimars von Wq 197.7

Kat. Brüssel, S. 272; Wotquenne I, S. 137

Reproductions in the Bach-Archiv:
MF-Fg-II A 51 (Film)
MF-Fg-II A 56 (Film)
MF-Fg-II A 57 (Film)
persistent ID
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N. Ebata
Last changed
2021-08-03 : 06:05:35