source lost
- Catalogue raisonné:
BWV / Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis BWV 566 (in C) oder 545?
- Link to works:
- BWV 566; BWV 545.3
- Scribe:
- unknown scribe
- Date (exact):
- 18. Jh.
- Source Type:
- Score, single manuscript
- Period of origin:
- 18th Century
- Provenance:
- ? – C. P. E. Bach – ? (1790)
- Comments:
- vermutlich identisch mit "Verschollen BWV 566, C. F. G. Schwencke" (s. Wollny, BJ 1996)
- Description in complete edition, Critical report:
- --
- Literature:
- Wollny BJ 1996, S. 15 (bes. Anm. 43)
- Evidences:
- CPEB NV 1790, S. 68 [3]: "Präludium und Fuge für Orgel aus C #."
- persistent ID
- BachDigitalSource_source_00025115
- Static URL
- Export format
- Editor
- N. Ebata
- Last changed
- 2022-11-29 : 12:04:27