Durham, Cathedral Library

GB-DRc MS E24, Faszikel 10

Catalogue raisonné:
BWV / Bach-Werke-VerzeichnisBWV 951a, deest (Serie V: 7)
Works (not family of Bach):
BWV 951a vorangestellt: Anon.: Fantasie in h (= BWV deest (NBA Serie V: 6), Incipit s. Cooper, S. 1168)
Incerta (BWV deest):
deest (Serie V: 7)
Link to works:
BWV 951.1; BWV deest

unknown scribe
Date (exact):
1. Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts (Wolf); 1720er Jahre (dem Papier nach, Cooper); 1748-1754?

Source Type:
Score, collective manuscript in convolute
Extent, Dimensions (cm):
6 leaves (3 blank), 29,5 x 23,5
Period of origin:
first half of the 18th century (ca. 1720–1739)
? – R. Fawcett – Durham, Cathedral Library
Master copy:
verschollenes Autograph [alpha], s. Stemma KB V/9.2, S. 261
Cooper and Hill consider Bach's authorship of the fantasia in B minor possible. The pieces have no ascription.

Description in complete edition, Critical report:
V/9.2, S. 255f.
Also mentioned in:
V/12, S. 155
B. Cooper: in: Musical Times 113 (1972), S. 1167ff.; B. Crosby: Catalogue of Durham Cathedral Music Manuscripts, Oxford 1986; Hill Moe, S. 435f.

Reproductions in the Bach-Archiv:
QK A VIII 43/1 (Xerox)
GB-DRc MS E24, Faszikel 10 (Xerox)
MF Ia, 19:32 (Film)
MF-Gö GB-DRc MS E24 (Film)
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Übernahme von www.bach.gwdg.de
Last changed
2018-09-19 : 05:25:20