Leipzig, Bach-Archiv Leipzig

D-LEb Go. S. 13

Catalogue raisonné:
BWV / Bach-Werke-VerzeichnisBWV 787, 788, 789, 790, 791, 792, 793, 794, 795, 796, 797, 798, 799, 800, 801
Link to works:
BWV 787; BWV 788; BWV 789; BWV 790; BWV 791.1; BWV 792; BWV 793; BWV 794; BWV 795; BWV 796; BWV 797; BWV 798; BWV 799; BWV 800; BWV 801

Anon. Boineburg A
Scribe (in detail):
Anon. Boineburg A (cf. D-LEb Go. S. 15, 16 and 17)
Date (exact):
um 1775-1780 (Schulze); um 1770/1775 (Leisinger)

Source Type:
Score, collective manuscript
Extent, Dimensions (cm):
14 leaves, 35 x 24 cm
Period of origin:
second half of the 18th century (ca. 1760–1789)
Title of source:
TS: XV | SINFONIES | da | Sigl. S. Bach.
? – Boineburg – ? – M. Gorke – Stadtbibliothek Leipzig (1935) – Musikbibliothek Leipzig (1954) – Leipzig, Bach-Archiv (2006; Dauerleihgabe seit 1952)
Description of watermark:
a) heraldische Lilie auf Steg; b) IV zwischen Stegen [IV = Jan Viledary]
Master copy:
(indirekt:) [Y] (s. KB S. 79-80)

Description in complete edition, Critical report:
V/3, S. 51
Kat. Gorke, S. 17; Kat. Gotha, S. 85

Reproductions in the Bach-Archiv:
QK-Gö D-LEb Go. S. 13 (Xerox)
MF Ia, 19:8 (Film)
persistent ID
Static URL
Export format
K. Rettinghaus
Last changed
2018-08-18 : 12:06:10