Berlin, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz

D-B Bach P 290

a thumbnail of the image
Cover + flyleaf (recto) + index + empty page
a thumbnail of the image
(BWV 545.1/1)
a thumbnail of the image
Preludio und Fuga
(BWV 545.2, without Trio)
a thumbnail of the image
Preludio und Fuga
(BWV 546)
a thumbnail of the image
Preludio und Fuga
(BWV 543.2)
a thumbnail of the image
Preludio und Fuga
(BWV 541.1)
a thumbnail of the image
Preludio [Toccata] und Fuga (BWV 540)
a thumbnail of the image
Fuga (BWV 542/2)
a thumbnail of the image
Passacalia (BWV 582)
a thumbnail of the image
Fantasia (BWV 562/1)
a thumbnail of the image
Pastorella (BWV 590)
a thumbnail of the image
Preludio und Fuga
(BWV 538)
a thumbnail of the image
Preludio und Fuga
(BWV 548)
a thumbnail of the image
Preludio und Fuga
(BWV 544)
a thumbnail of the image
Preludio und Fuga
(BWV 547)
a thumbnail of the image
Empty pages + flyleaves + cover (verso) + colour chart
Catalogue raisonné:
BWV / Bach-Werke-VerzeichnisBWV 545.1/1, 545.2 (ohne Trio), 546, 543, 541, 540, 542/2, 582, 562/1, 590, 538, 548, 544, 547
Link to works:
BWV 545.1; BWV 545.2; BWV 546; BWV 543.2; BWV 541.1; BWV 540; BWV 542; BWV 582; BWV 562; BWV 590; BWV 538; BWV 548; BWV 544; BWV 547

Anon. 303 = C. P. E. Bach VI (Blechschmidt)
Date (exact):
18. Jh.; um 1750/60 (BC)

Source Type:
Score, collective manuscript
Extent, Dimensions (cm):
50 leaves, 36 x 23,5 cm
Period of origin:
middle of the 18th century (ca. 1740–1759)
? – Voß – Voß-Buch – Königliche Bibliothek zu Berlin (1851), jetzt Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung
Description of watermark:
Wappen, im Falz, Doppelpapier. Vor- und Nachsatzblatt: Tannenbaum und Kursivmonogramm)
Master copy:
BWV 545.1/1 und 545.2: verschollene Zwischenquelle [x]; 546, 543, 541, 540?, 562/1; 538, 548; 544, 547?: verschollene Zwischenquelle [Handschrift C. P. E. Bachs]; 542/2: D-B Bach P 596 (Handschrift Agricola); 582: verschollene Zwischenquelle [B5c], s. Stemma KB IV/7, S. 133; 590: verschollene Zwischenquelle [D-B Am.B 59], s. Stemma KB IV/7, S. 181
Pedalstimmen von BWV 546, BWV 541, BWV 540, BWV 542 /2 und BWV 547 sind mit roter Tinte geschrieben.

Description in complete edition, Critical report:
IV/5-6, S. 65
Also mentioned in:
IV/7, S. 122, 177; IV/11, S. 37
Faulstich, Nr. 533, Nr. 503, Nr. 512, Nr. 516, Nr. 522, Nr. 527, Nr. 530, Nr. 551, Nr. 568, Nr. 576

Reproductions in the Bach-Archiv:
QK A VII 16/3 (Xerox)
QK A VII 19/4 (Xerox)
QK-Gö D-B P 290 (Xerox)
MF Ia, 16:26 (Film)
MF-Gö D-B Bach P 290 (Film)
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2024-05-13 : 02:29:03