Kyrie "Christe, du Lamm Gottes" in F major BWV 233.1; BWV 233a; BC E 7 GND
- Genre
- Mass
- Scoring
- Sopran I, Sopran II, Alt, Tenor, Bass, Basso continuo
- Date of origin, Work history
frühe Weimarer Zeit (stilistische Merkmale)
suggested dating by M Rathey, in: BJ 2006, p. 65ff.: 6.4.1708 = Good Friday/service of confession and general absolution - Introduction to the work
- Link to videos:
- Kyrie "Christe, du Lamm Gottes" in F, BWV 233.1 (Netherlands Bach Society)
- Libretto
- Kyrie der Litanei und Agnus Dei deutsch (Braunschweig 1528)
Link to lyrics
- edition essential source
D-B Bach P 70, Faszikel 2 [Score]
- Additional sources
A-Wn SA.67.B.30 [Score]
D-B Bach St 647 [Part(s)]
D-DS Mus. ms. 527 [Score]
D-MÜs SANT Hs 3974 [Score]
Verschollen BWV 233a, H. G. Nägeli [Score]
Verschollen Sing-Akademie BWV 233a [Score]
- Edition
NBA II/2, S. 285 (Marianne Helms, 1978) – Critical report (1982), S. 151 - Literature
- D. Melamed, BJ 2012; P. Wollny, BJ 2015
- persistent ID
- BachDigitalWork_work_00000292
- Static URL
- Export format
- Last changed
- 2023-06-26 : 12:54:56