Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort BWV 126; BC A 46 GND

Second Sunday before Lent/Sexagesima Sunday, Choral Cantatas in the Second Leipzig Cantata Cycle
Chorale cantata
Psalm: Psalm 1
Epistel: 2. Korinther 11, 19-33; 12, 1-9
Gospel: Lukas 8, 4-15
Alt solo, Tenor solo, Bass solo, Sopran, Alt, Tenor, Bass, Tromba [da tirarsi], Oboe I, Oboe II, Violine I, Violine II, Viola, Basso continuo

Date of origin, Work history
vor dem 04. Februar 1725
First performance on February 4, 1725; subsequent performance in Leipzig on September 29, 1755, during the interim directorship under C. F. Barth/C. F. Penzel for the two-hundredth anniversary of the Peace of Augsburg (printed text and additional Basso continuo copies, see below)
Early performances
, Leipzig, St. Thomas Church (Premiere) (Link to event)
Predigt: Christian Weise d. Ä.
WA Leipzig 29. September 1755 im Interimskantorat unter CFB/C. F. Penzel zur Zweihundertjahrfeier des Augsburger Religionsfriedens
, Leipzig (Link to event)
relation to other works:
is part of BWV diverse [2. Jg.]
is part of BWV diverse [2. Jg. a]
relation from other works:
is adapted in BWV 126/6 ChS
Link to videos:
Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort, BWV 126 (J. S. Bach Stiftung St. Gallen)

Based on a seven-stanza song combination commonly used at the time: "Erhalt uns Herr bei deinem Wort" (Stanzas 1–3: M. Luther, 1542; Stanzas 4–5: J. Jonas, 1545), Verleih uns Frieden gnädiglich (M. Luther, 1529, after the antiphon Da pacem Domine) and Stanza 7 by J. Walter (1566, after 1 Timothy 2:2). Stanzas 1 and 6–7 (movement 1 and 6) and Stanza 3 (within movement 3) were kept literally; Stanzas 2 and 4–5 (movement 2–5) were reworked or expanded (author unknown). Printed text (for performance in Taucha 1755): Schwartze 1756, page 105f. (with slight text variations, see Maul BJ 2000)
Link to lyrics

Original sources
D-LEb Thomana 126, Faszikel 1 (Depositum im Bach-Archiv) [Part(s)]
Verschollen BWV 126, Originalstimmen [Part(s)]
Additional sources
D-B Bach P 1038 [Score]
D-B Bach P 447, Faszikel 4 [Score]
D-HAmi Ms. 160 [Score]
D-LEb Thomana 126, Faszikel 2 [nach 1750] (Depositum im Bach-Archiv) [Part(s)]
Verschollen Choralsammlung [Score]


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