Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir BWV 38; BC A 152 GND

Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity, Choral Cantatas in the Second Leipzig Cantata Cycle
Chorale cantata
Psalm: Psalm 39
Epistel: Epheser 6, 10-17
Gospel: Johannes 4, 47-54
Sopran solo, Alt solo, Tenor solo, Bass solo, Sopran, Alt, Tenor, Bass, Trombone I, Trombone II, Trombone III, Trombone IV, Oboe I, Oboe II, Violine I, Violine II, Viola, Basso continuo

Date of origin, Work history
vor dem 29. Oktober 1724
First performance on October 29, 1724
Early performances
, Leipzig (Premiere) (Link to event)
relation to other works:
is part of BWV diverse [2. Jg.]
is part of BWV diverse [Jg. 2a]
relation from other works:
is adapted in BWV 38/6 ChS
Introduction to the work
Link to videos:
Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir, BWV 38 (J. S. Bach Stiftung St. Gallen)

Author Libretto
unknown author
M. Luther (1524), stanza 1 and 5 kept literally, stanza 2–4 (movement 2–5) reworked (author unknown)
Link to lyrics
Author Chorale
Luther, Martin (1483–1546)

Original sources
D-LEb Thomana 38 (Depositum im Bach-Archiv) [Part(s)]
Verschollen BWV 38, Originalstimmen [Part(s)]
Additional sources
A-Wgm V 6081 (H 29571) [Score]
B-Bc 14970 [vocal score / piano reduction]
CH-Zz Ms.Car XV 244 (32) : B 15 / B 23b [Part(s)]
D-B Am.B 12-14, Faszikel 2 (Am.B 13a, Am.B 13b und Am.B 14) [Score]
D-B Am.B 15-17, Faszikel 2 [Score]
D-B Am.B 37-38, Faszikel 2 [Score]
D-B Bach P 1007 [Score]
D-B Bach P 1025 [Score]
D-B Bach P 197 [Score]
D-B Bach P 442, Faszikel 4 [Score]
D-B Bach P 57 [Score]
D-B Bach P 571 [Score]
D-B Bach P 58 [Score]
D-DS Mus. ms. 1311 [Score]
GB-Ob MS. M. Deneke Mendelssohn c. 63, Faszikel 4 [Score]
GB-Ob MS. M. Deneke Mendelssohn c. 63 [Konvolut] [Score]
PL-WRu 60005 Muz. [Score]
Verschollen BWV 38 (1), H. G. Nägeli [Score]
Verschollen BWV 38 (2), L. Liepmannssohn [Score]
Verschollen Choralsammlung [Score]
Verschollen Choralsammlung [Score]
Verschollen Sing-Akademie BWV 38 (1), Partitur (neu) [Score]
Verschollen Sing-Akademie BWV 38 (2), Stimmen [Part(s)]


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2024-02-06 : 01:15:20