Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale (National library)

Catalogue raisonné:
BR-WFB / Bach-Repertorium Wilhelm Friedemann Bach
Fk / Falck-Verzeichnis
BR-WFB A 27, A 28, A 29, A 30, A 31, A 32
Fk 12/1-6
Link to works:
BR-WFB A 27; BR-WFB A 28; BR-WFB A 29; BR-WFB A 30; BR-WFB A 31; BR-WFB A 32

unknown scribe
Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann (1710–1784)
Scribe (in detail):
unbekannter Schreiber;
W. F. Bach: Revision, Titelseite

Source Type:
Score, collective manuscript (Original source)
Extent, Dimensions (cm):
4 leaves, 34 x 20,5 cm
Period of origin:
second half of the 18th century (ca. 1760–1789)
Title of source:
TS: VI. Polonoises composées | di | W. F Bach | et | dediées | â | Son Excellence | Monseigneur le Comte d'Orlow | President de l'Academie | Imperiale â Petersburg.
W. F. Bach – ? – Paris, Conservatoire – Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département de la Musique
Description of watermark:
a) Adler; b) FR
Nur Nr. 1-6 (BR-WFB 27-32), "Textform A"

BR-WFB, S. 61

Reproductions in the Bach-Archiv:
MF-Gö F-Pn MS-7 (Film)
persistent ID
Static URL
Export format
N. Ebata
Last changed
2021-02-16 : 03:56:04