Bruxelles (Brussels), Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles
- Catalogue raisonné:
BR-CPEB / Bach-Repertorium Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
Wq / Wotquenne-Verzeichnis
H / Helm-VerzeichnisBR-CPEB C 26
Wq 6
H 409
- Link to works:
- BR-CPEB C 26
- Scribe:
- unknown scribe
- Source Type:
- Part(s), single manuscript within composite manuscript
- relation to sources:
- is part of B-Bc 27140 MSM
- Extent, Dimensions (cm):
- 18 Blätter, 34,5 x 21,5 cm; 34,5 x 22 (Cemb)
- Period of origin:
- unknown / not clear
- Title of source:
- TS: [Titelblatt (Cembalo):] CONCERTO. G: b. | per il | Cembalo Concertato. | Violino Primo. | Violino Secondo | Viola | e | Basso. | dell Sigl | C. P. E. Bach. [Incipit]
- Provenance:
- ? – G. R. Wagener – A. Wotquenne (1902) – Bruxelles (Brüssel), Conservatoire Royal de Musique, Bibliothèque (1904)
- Comments:
- Vorhandene Stimmen: Cembalo, Violine I, Violine II, Viola, Basso continuo;
Titel-Zusatz Wageners auf jeder Stimme "VIII Concerto G moll", ferner Signatur "No: 8"
- Literature:
- Kat. Brüssel, S. 502
- Reproductions in the Bach-Archiv:
- QK C 33/3 (Xerox)
- 703000009
- persistent ID
- BachDigitalSource_source_00020786
- Static URL
- Export format
- Editor
- M. Schuster
- Last changed
- 2022-12-21 : 03:54:11