Wien (Vienna), Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (National library)
- Catalogue raisonné:
Wq / Wotquenne-Verzeichnis
H / Helm-VerzeichnisWq 25
H 429
- Link to works:
- BR-CPEB C 45
- Date (exact):
- 1752
- Source Type:
- Part(s), original publication (Original source)
- Extent, Dimensions (cm):
- 5 parts, 34,5 x 22; Cembalo: 35 x ca. 22,5
- Period of origin:
- middle of the 18th century (ca. 1740–1759)
- Place:
- Nürnberg (Schmid)
- Title of source:
- TS: CONCERTO | per | IL CEMBALO CONCERTATO | accompagnato | da | II. VIOLINI | VIOLETTA | e | BASSO | composto | da | CARLO FILIPPO EMANUELE | BACH | Musico di Camera di S. M. il RE di Prussia || Alle spese della Vedova di Balth. Schmid. Norimb: | XXXVII.
- Provenance:
- ? – G. R. Wagener – A. Wotquenne (1904) – C. G. Boerner (1914) – W. Wolffheim, Berlin (1914) – A. van Hoboken, Ascona (Schweiz, 1928) – Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Musiksammlung (Sammlung van Hoboken, 1974)
- Comments:
- Vorhandene Stimmen:
Cembalo concertato, Violine I, Violine II, Viola, Basso
- Literature:
- RISM A/I B/BB 50; Kat. Hoboken, S. 92 u. 94; Blanken 2011, S. 472, 942 (Druck 6); Kat. Brüssel, S. 101
- Reproductions in the Bach-Archiv:
- QK C 3/8 (Xerox)
- Evidences:
- Kat. Wolffheim, I (1928), S. 224, Nr. 1233 (3)
- 990003018
- persistent ID
- BachDigitalSource_source_00017905
- Static URL
- Export format
- Editor
- M. Schuster
- Last changed
- 2019-08-28 : 10:19:26