New Haven, Connecticut, Yale University, Irving S. Gilmore Music Library

US-NH LM 4941 [Ma21.Y11.A32]

Catalogue raisonné:
BWV / Bach-Werke-VerzeichnisBWV 578, 948 (arr.)
Works (not family of Bach):
J. Krieger: Fuge in G; H. N. Gerber: 4 Inventionen (in D, G, C u a, Incip. s. KB IV/5-6, S. 150); J. Adlung: Trio in a (Incip. s. KB IV/5-6, S. 150); E. L. Gerber: Nachspiel in D (Incip. s. KB IV/5-6, S. 150)
Link to works:
BWV 578; BWV 948

unknown scribe
Scribe (in detail):
unknown scribe (cf. US-NH LM 4839, fascicle 6 and LM 4848, nos. 11 and 12)

Source Type:
Score, collective manuscript in convolute
Extent, Dimensions (cm):
12 leaves, 36 x 21 cm
Period of origin:
first half of the 19th century (ca. 1820–1839)
? – J. C. H. Rinck – L. Mason (1852) – New Haven, CT, Yale University, The Library of the School of Music (1873)
Description of watermark:
aufrechtstehnder Löwe in gekröntem Schild
Master copy:
578: ?, s. Stemma KB IV/5-6, S. 734; 948: verschollene Zwischenquelle [gamma], s. Stemma KB V/9.2, S. 292

Description in complete edition, Critical report:
IV/5-6, S. 149f.
Also mentioned in:
V/9.2, S. 289
H. C. Fall, A critical-bibliographical study of the Rinck collection. New Haven, 1958 (masch.)

Reproductions in the Bach-Archiv:
QK-Gö US-NH LM 4941 (Xerox)
MF-Gö US-NH LM 4941 (Film)
MF-Gö US-NH LM 4941 (Film)
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2020-01-16 : 11:15:47