New Haven, Connecticut, Yale University, Irving S. Gilmore Music Library

US-NH LM 4844 [Ma21.Y11.B12]

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Prelude and Fugue in C major (BWV 846)
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Prelude in A major (BWV 864/1)
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Fugue in C minor (BWV 847/2)
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Fugue in E minor (BWV 855/2)
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Prelude in F-sharp minor (BWV 859/1)
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Prelude in E major (BWV 854/1)
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Fugue in F major (BWV 856/2)
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Fugue in G major (BWV 860/2)
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anonym: fragmentary composition without title
a thumbnail of the image
J. Christian Bach: Alla polacca
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Fugue in G minor (BWV 861/2)
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Prelude in B-flat major (BWV 866/1)
a thumbnail of the image
C. P. E. Bach: "Application der Finger" from "Versuch über die wahre Art..."
a thumbnail of the image
C. G. Tag: Adagio molto
Catalogue raisonné:
BWV / Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis
H / Helm-Verzeichnis
Wq / Wotquenne-Verzeichnis
BWV 846, 864/1, 847/2, 855/2, 859/1, 854/1, 856/2, 860/2, (unvollst.), 861/2, 866/1
H 217
Wq 116.6
Works (not family of Bach):
C. P. E. Bach: Alla Po;acca (Wq 116.6, hier J. Christian Bach zugewiesen); "Application der Finger TAB I" aus dem "Versuch über die wahre Art...";
Anon.: fragm. Komposition ohne Titel ("Jesus mich in Himmel führ");
C. G. Tag: Adagio molto
Link to works:
BWV 846.2; BWV 864.2; BWV 847.2; BWV 855.2; BWV 859.2; BWV 854.2; BWV 856.2; BWV 860.2; BR-CPEB A 269; BWV 861.2; BWV 866.2; BR-CPEB A 269

Rein, Johann Ernst Heinrich
Date (exact):

Source Type:
Score, collective manuscript
Extent, Dimensions (cm):
13 leaves, 33,5 x 20 cm
Period of origin:
middle of the 18th century (ca. 1740–1759)
Title of source:
TS: Unterschiedliche | Fugen | und | Præludia. | di Joh: Sebast: Bach. | Scrips: | Joh: Ernst Heinr: | Rein. | ao: 1747.
J. E. H. Rein – J. C. H. Rinck – L. Mason (1852) – New Haven, CT, Yale University, The Library of the School of Music (1873)
Description of watermark:
Lage 2 II+1+II: a) A mit Dreipass (auf Steg), Blatt; b) Monogramm JMS (auf Steg)
Master copy:
Vermerk: "a[nno]:1747";
gehört zum Stadium A1 oder A2 des WK I?; verwandt mit US BERa M2. 1 M4 (Vault 04), Faszikel 2 und D-B Bach P 414 (s. KB V/6.1, S. 158)
Öfter irrtümlich "Klein" oder "Kein" statt Johann Ernst Heinrich Rein gelesen.

Description in complete edition, Critical report:
V/6.1, S. 99
H. C. Fall, A critical-bibliographical study of the Rinck collection. New Haven, 1958 (masch.)

Reproductions in the Bach-Archiv:
QK-Gö US-NH LM 4844 (Xerox)
MF-Gö US-NH LM 4844 (Film)
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2020-01-13 : 02:12:10