Darmstadt, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek (University library), Handschriften- und Musikabteilung

D-DS Mus. ms. 1231

External digital copy:
Catalogue raisonné:
BWV / Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis
TWV / Telemann-Werke-Verzeichnis
BWV 824 / Anh. III 182->, 840 / Anh. III 182->
TWV 32:11, 32:12, 32:13, 32:14
Works (not family of Bach):
--- C. Graupner: Suiten in c-Moll (GWV 131), C-Dur (GWV 126), G-Dur (GWV 143), C-Dur (GWV 127), G-Dur (GWV 144), A-Dur (GWV 147), F-Dur (GWV 140), c-Moll (GWV 132), A-Dur (GWV 148), a-Moll (GWV 150), A-Dur (GWV 149), e-Moll (GWV 133), G-Dur (GWV 145), C-Dur (GWV 128), G-Dur (GWV 146), C-Dur (GWV 129), C-Dur (GWV 130);
--- G. F. Händel: Suiten in e-Moll (HWV 429), C-Dur (HWV 433), B-Dur (HWV 434), B-Dur (HWV 440), F-Dur (HWV 427), G-Dur (HWV 435), f-Moll (HWV 433);
--- J. Kuhnau: Suite in F-Dur;
--- G. P. Telemann: Suiten in D-Dur (TWV 32:11), a-Moll (TWV 32:12), G-Dur (TWV 32:13, darunter auch die Courante (= 840 / Anh. III 182->)), A-Dur (TWV 32:14 = 824 / Anh. III 182->)
Link to works:
TWV 32:14; TWV 32:13,2

unknown scribe
Scribe (in detail):
unknown scribe (G. Grünewald?)
Date (exact):
um 1735-1740

Source Type:
Score, collective manuscript
Extent, Dimensions (cm):
103 leaves, 22 x 32 cm
Period of origin:
first half of the 18th century (ca. 1720–1739)
? – Darmstadt, Hessische Landes- und Hochschulbibliothek, Musikabteilung – Darmstadt, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt, Musikabteilung (2004)
Description of watermark:
Link to watermark:

Description in complete edition, Critical report:
Also mentioned in:
V/12, S. 162
W. Danckert, in: ZfMw 7 (1924/25), S. 305 [zu BWV 824]; RISM A/II: 450028198 (BWV 824), 450028197 (BWV 840)

Reproductions in the Bach-Archiv:
QK-Gö D-DS Mus. ms. 1231 (Xerox)
MF-Gö D-DS Mus. ms. 1231 (Film)
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Übernahme von www.bach.gwdg.de
Last changed
2018-09-29 : 09:10:22