Berlin, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz

D-B Bach P 15

a thumbnail of the image
book cover + flyleaves (recto)
a thumbnail of the image
Kyrie eleison (BWV 236)
a thumbnail of the image
Gloria, Laudamus te (BWV 236)
a thumbnail of the image
Gratias (BWV 236)
a thumbnail of the image
Domine Deus, Agnus Dei, Qui tollis (BWV 236)
a thumbnail of the image
Quoniam (BWV 236)
a thumbnail of the image
Cum sancto spirito (BWV 236)
a thumbnail of the image
Kyrie eleison (BWV 235)
a thumbnail of the image
Gloria, Et in terra pax, Laudamus te (BWV 235)
a thumbnail of the image
Gratias (BWV 235)
a thumbnail of the image
Domine fili (BWV 235)
a thumbnail of the image
Qui tollis (BWV 235)
a thumbnail of the image
Cum sancto spirito (BWV 235)
a thumbnail of the image
Kyrie eleison (BWV 233)
a thumbnail of the image
Christe eleison (BWV 233)
a thumbnail of the image
Kyrie eleison (BWV 233)
a thumbnail of the image
Gloria (BWV 233)
a thumbnail of the image
Domine Deus (BWV 233)
a thumbnail of the image
Qui tollis (BWV 233)
a thumbnail of the image
Quoniam (BWV 233)
a thumbnail of the image
Cum sancto spirito (BWV 233)
a thumbnail of the image
flyleaves + book cover (verso) + colour check
Catalogue raisonné:
BWV / Bach-Werke-VerzeichnisBWV 236, 235, 233
Link to works:
BWV 236; BWV 235; BWV 233.2

Altnickol, Johann Christoph (1719–1759)
Poelchau, Georg Johann Daniel (1773–1836)
Scribe (in detail):
J. C. Altnickol; title page: G. Poelchau
Date (exact):
um 1747/1748

Source Type:
Score, collective manuscript
relation from source:
has successor D-B Am.B 40-42, Faszikel 3
has successor D-Bhm 6138/9
has successor D-B Bach P 17
has successor D-B Bach P 18
Period of origin:
middle of the 18th century (ca. 1740–1759)
Title of source:
TS: 4 Messen | (Kyrie cum Gloria) | von | Sebastian Bach.
J. C. Altnickol – C. P. E. Bach – (A. C. P. Bach) – G. J. D. Poelchau (1805) – Königliche Bibliothek zu Berlin (1841), jetzt Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Musikabteilung
Description of watermark:
Weiß Nr. 73
Link to watermark:
Master copy:
236: D-DS Mus. ms. 972; 235: verschollene Originalpartitur; 233: verschollene Originalpartitur
Vergleiche auch D-B Bach P 16, diese Quelle war ursprünglich mit D-B Bach P 15 zusammengebunden.

Description in complete edition, Critical report:
236: II/2, S. 99ff.
Also mentioned in:
235: II/2, S. 127f.; 233: II/2, S. 140f.; II/2, S. 42ff.
Engler, S. 65; Dürr BJ 1970, S. 45ff.

Reproductions in the Bach-Archiv:
QK A IV 13/1 (Xerox)
QK A IV 13/2 (Xerox)
QK A IV 13/3 (Xerox)
QK-Gö D-B P 15 (Xerox)
MF Ia, 14:21 (Film)
MF Ia, 14:27 (Film)
MF-Gö D-B Bach P 15 (Film)
MF-Gö D-B Bach P 15 (Film)
CPEB NV 1790, S. 70 [4]: "Vier Messen in Partitur. Mit Flöten. Ein- | gebunden."
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2022-11-04 : 01:55:57