Altenhof, Private library of Bethmann Hollweg
- Catalogue raisonné:
BWV / Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis BWV 767/1 (in a)
- Link to works:
- BWV 767
- Scribe:
- unknown scribe
- Date (exact):
- um 1860
- Source Type:
- Score, collective manuscript
- Extent, Dimensions (cm):
- 84 leaves
- Period of origin:
- middle of the 19th century (ca. 1840–1859)
- Title of source:
- TS: Choräle | zu dem Schleswig=Holst. Gesangbuch | für | die Orgel und das Pianoforte; KT: (f. 55v:) 71 O Gott, du milder Gott - Joh. Sebastian Bach
- Provenance:
- ? – Altenhof bei Eckernförde, Privatbibliothek von Bethmann Hollweg
- Comments:
- fol. 55v: No. 71, nur BWV 767/1 (?) [Notierung: Halbenote statt Vietel]
- Description in complete edition, Critical report:
- -
- 452511978
- persistent ID
- BachDigitalSource_source_00000338
- Static URL
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- Last changed
- 2018-10-29 : 05:42:56