D-WRgs, Weimar, Goete-Schiller-Archiv

Copy of the "Aria di Giovannini", BWV 518

1. Appearance
Shelfmark                              Hs. 6. Goethe Notensammlung Nr. 429
Extent 1 leaf
Measurement, in cm 23 x 32
Rastrology 0,5
Paper/Watermark machine paper (without watermark)
Cleffing violin clef/bass clef
Safe-keeping/Quire/Foliation single leaf with adornment (blue rastrology framed by golden ornaments)
Scribe unknown scribe
around 1800

2. Contents
Arrangement                           f. 1r: BWV 518, mm. 1 - 8
f. 1v: ruled but otherwise blank
Title-heading "Aria  di Giovanni / Dichtung & Composition von Joh. Sebastian Bach."

3. Miscellaneous
Foreign/later entries              none
Condition of source moderate (the leave has a kink in the middle and the edges are cracked, on the recto side it is soild and on the verso side there is heavy bleed-through, furthermore there are little holes in the leave)
Provenance ? - C. F. Zelter? - J. W. von Goethe - Goethe-Nachlaß - Stiftung Graf Leo Henckel von Donnersmarck und F. Vulpius - Goethe Nationalmuseum (1885) - Weimar, Goethe-Schiller-Archiv
Remarks The source shows several corrections.
