D-LEb, Bach-Archiv Leipzig

Coollective manuscript with BWV 772, 777, 780 and 791

1. Appearance
Shelfmark                              D-LEb Rara Ib, 128 (olim Rara II, 223, Faszikel 15) [aus Slg. Scholz]
Extent 2 leaves
Measurement, in cm 30,5 x 23
Rastrology 0,9
Paper/Watermark without watermark (or watermark hardly to recognize)
Cleffing violin clef/bass clef
Safe-keeping/Quire/Foliation single sheet, paged (f. 1r ("1") - f. 2v ("4")
Scribe Leonhard Scholz
no clean copy (with several corrections)
Dating 18th century

2. Contents
Arrangement                             f. 1r: BWV 780
f. 1v: BWV 777
f. 2r: BWV 791
f. 2v: BWV 772
Title-heading BWV 780: "Inventio XI. Da J. S. Bach."
BWV 777: "Inventio XII"
BWV 791: "Sinfonia XII. Da J. S. Bach."
BWV 772: "Inventio X Da Joh: Sebastian Bach."

3. Miscellaneous
Condition of source                little bleed-through, no traces of use
Provenance L. Scholz - family property Scholz - C. F. Guhr - Klinckerfuß - antique shop Schneider/Tutzing - Leipzig, Bach-Archiv (2003)
