D-Gb, Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Institut, Göttingen
Scholz collection
Collective manuscript with 2 three-part sinfonias: in F major, BWV 794, and in E major, BWV 792

1. Appearance
Shelfmark                                  D-LEb Rara Ib, 60 (olim D Gb Ms. Scholz 5.3.1)
Extent 1 sheet (title cover to the omnibus convolut with copies of the "Inventionen" and "Sinfonien")
Measurement, in cm 28 x 23,5
Rastrology, in cm 0,9
Paper/Watermark 'Wolfeg 7'
Cleffing violin clef/bass clef
Safe-keeping/Quire/Foliation paging: f. 1v: 1, f. 2r: 2
Scribe Leonhard Scholz
written neatly, few corrections
Dating cf. the title page: "Ao 1782"

2. Contents
Arrangement                             f. 1r: title page
f. 1v: BWV 794, mm. 1 - 20a, BWV 792, mm. 1 - 5
f. 2r: BWV 792, mm. 6 - end
f. 2v: blank (not ruled)
Title page "Johann Sebastian Bachs / IX Zweystimmige Inventiones / und / XIII dreystimmige Sinfonien aufs Clavier. / Nebst einer Hendelischen / Fuge aus D moll / In diesem bequemen format / accurat geschrieben von / Leonhard Scholz Organist zu St. Sebald in Nürnberg. / Ao 1782"
Title-heading BWV 794: "Sinfonia IX. Da J. S. Bach."
BWV 792: "Sinfonia X. Da J. S. Bach." (below the accolade)

3. Miscellaneous
Foreign/later entries                f. 1r, above the title: "Nro. 30.", crossed out and corrected in: "XII", completed to "XIII"; below the title: "Nach der Leipziger Ausgabe fehlen 3 oder 4 Piecen." (written by C. F. Guhr)
Condition of source good (no bleed-through), no traces of use
Provenance L. Scholz - ? - Franconian private ownership - antique shop Schneider, Tutzing - Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Institut Göttingen (1968)
Remarks BWV 792 and 794 are available twice, cf. D Gb Ms. Scholz 5.3.2.
