D-Gb, Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Institut, Göttingen
Scholz collection
Chorale arrangement to Erstanden ist der heilige Christ, BWV Anh. 51

1. Appearance
Shelfmark                                  D-LEb Rara Ib, 45 (olim D Gb Ms. Scholz 4.9.16)
Extent 1 leaf
Measurement, in cm 20-20,5 x 30,5-31
Rastrology, in cm 0,9
Paper/Watermark not identifiable/without watermark (very firm paper, eventually of a cover, with imprint)
Cleffing soprano clef/bass clef
Safe-keeping/Quire/Foliation not paged
Scribe Leonhard Scholz
typeface flighty, with several corrections
Dating 18th century

2. Contents
Arrangement                             f. 1r: BWV Anh. 51
f. 1v: blank (except for the imprint)
Title-heading "Erstanden ist der heilige Christ [etc.-abbr.] con Pedale"; without ascription

3. Miscellaneous
Foreign/later entries                none
Condition of source very good, no traces of use
Provenance L. Scholz - ? - Franconian private ownership - antique shop Schneider, Tutzing - Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Institut Göttingen (1968)
Remarks For lack of space the pedal point is marked only by the tone letter C at the end. The saved space is needed for the notation of the upper parts.
On f. 1v there is an entry with red chalk: a triangle with "S" inside (meaning?)
