D-Gb, Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Institut, Göttingen

Piano score of the aria "Erbarme dich, mein Gott" from the Matthäuspassion, BWV 244

1. Appearance
Shelfmark                                  Ms. Varia 8
Extent 3 leaves
Measurement, in cm 23 x 30,5
Rastrology, in cm 0,7
Paper/Watermark without watermark
Cleffing "Alto": violin clef, "Pianoforte": bass clef
Safe-keeping/Quire/Foliation 1 sheet + 1 single leave, stitched in; not paged/foliated
Scribe unknown scribe
Dating end of 18th century

2. Contents
Arrangement                             f. 1r: BWV 244/47, mm.1 - 9
f. 1v: mm.10 - 20
f. 2r: mm.21 - 30
f. 2v: mm.31 - 42
f. 3r: mm.43 - end
f. 3v: blank (not ruled)
Title-heading "Aus Johann Sebastian Bach's Passion / nach dem Evangelium Matthaei / zu Cap. 26. Vers 75", at the right: "de anno 1728";
above the accolade: "Aria"

3. Miscellaneous
Foreign/later entries                practical entries for performance in the singing voice
Condition of source good
Provenance ? - The First Edition Bookshop - Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Institut Göttingen (1965) (Dauerleihgabe Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Institut Göttingen)
Remarks There are added several blank leaves (one of them with clumsy writing exercises with pencil: "Hariet Mary ...nyand")
