D-Berlin, Universität der Künste, library

Copy of the cantatas BWV 22; 92/1, 2, 4, 8, 9; 124/1; 154; 133; 116/1, 2, 4; 76/1 - 7; 153; 62/1, 2, 4, 6; 64

1. Appearance
Shelfmark                              H 985
Extent 218 leaves
Measurement, in cm 23,5 x 29,5
Paper/Watermark a) monogram, b) 'Fortuna';
flyleaf: 'J WHATMAN'
Safe-keeping/Quire/Foliation The manuscript is bound into a marbled cover (black and green, label: "Band I. / XI Cantaten von Joh: Seb: Bach."); it is paged from "2" (p. 1) to "433".
Scribe unknown scribe
Model lost manuscript from Breitkopf (lost source to D B Mus. ms. Bach P 1215)

2. Contents
Arrangement                           flyleaf with index: "Band I. / XI Cantaten von Joh: Seb: Bach."
title page: "XI / Cantaten / von J. S. Bach."

p. 1 - 44: BWV 22 (no title page or title-heading)

p. 45: title page: "Cantata / Ich hab in Gottes Herz (etc.-Abbrev.) / a / 2 Violini / Viola / Soprano, Alto, Tenore / e Basso / & / Fondamento / del Sig(etc.-Abbrev.): J. S. Bach"
p. 46 - 92: BWV 92/1, 2, 4, 8, 9

p. 93: title pgae: "Cantata / Gedenke Herr (etc.-Abbrev.) / a / Flauto Traverso / 2 Violini / Viola / Soprano Alto / Tenore Basso / e / Continuo / del Sig(etc.-Abbrev). J. S. Bach"
p. 94 - 129: BWV 217
p. 130: ruled but otherwise blank

p. 131: title page: "Cantata / Meinen Jesum laß ich nicht / a Oboi d'Amour / 2 Violini / Viola / Soprano, Alto / Tenore, Basso / & / Fondamento / del Sig(etc.-Abbrev.). J. S. Bach"
p. 132 - 149: BWV 124/1
p. 150: ruled but otherwise blank

p. 151: title page: "Cantata / Mein liebster Jesus ist verlohren / a / 2 Oboi d'Amor / 2 Violini / Viola / Soprano, Alto / Tenore, Basso / & Fondamento / del Sig(etc.-Abbrev.). J. S. Bach"
p. 152 - 181: BWV 154

p. 182: title page: "Cantata / Ich freue mich in dir / a / 2 Oboi / 2 Violini / Viola / Soprano, Alto / Tenore, Basso / & / Fondamento / del Sig(etc.-Abbrev.). J. S. Bach"
p. 183 - 222: BWV 133

p. 223: title page: "Cantata / Du Friedefürst / a / 2 Oboi d'Amore / 2 Violini / Viola / 4. Voci / & / Fondamento / del Sig(etc.-Abbrev.). J. S. Bach"
p. 224 - 258: BWV 116/1, 2, 4 p. 259: title page: "Cantata / Die Himmel erzehlen / a / 1 Tromba / 2 Oboi / 2 Violini / Viola / 4. Voci / & / Fondamento / del Sig(etc.-Abbrev.). J. S. Bach"
p. 260 - 313: BWV 76/1-7
p. 314: ruled but otherwise blank

p. 315: title page: "Cantata / Schau lieber Gott / a / 2 Violini / Viola / 4 Voci / & / Fondamento del Sig(etc.-Abbrev.). J. S. Bach"
p. 316: ruled but otherwise blank
p. 317 - 338: BWV 153

p. 339: title page: "Cantata / Nun komm der Heyden (etc.-Abbrev.) / a / 2 Oboi / 2 Violini / Viola / 4 Voci / & / Fondamento / del Sig(etc.-Abbrev.). J. S. Bach"
p. 340: rastriert und unbeschrieben
p. 341 - 393: BWV 62, 1, 2, 4, 6
p. 394: ruled but otherwise blank

p. 395: Titelblatt: "Cantata / Sehet, welch eine (etc.-Abbrev.) / a / 2 Oboi / 2 Violini / Viola / 4 Voci / & / Fondamento / del Sig(etc.-Abbrev.). J. S. Bach"
p. 396: ruled but otherwise blank
p. 397 - 433: BWV 64
p. 434: ruled but otherwise blank

3. Miscellaneous
Foreign/later entries                some notes with pencil (numbering of the cantats and remarks concerning the completeness of single cantatas (e.g. on p. 131: "fehlen sämmtliche Arien und der Schluß-Choral")
Condition of source well
Provenance Breitkopf - ? Berlin, Königliches Institut für Kirchenmusik - Moskau - Berlin, Staatsbibliothek "Unter den Linden" - Berlin, Universität der Künste (formerly Staatliche Hochschule für Musi und Darstellende Kunst), library
