D-Berlin, Universität der Künste, library

Copy of the mass in B minor, BWV 232

1. Appearance
Shelfmark                              H 960/1-2
Extent volume 1: 111 leaves;
volume 2: 150 leaves
Measurement, in cm 36,5 x 22,5
Rastrology, in cm various
Paper/Watermark 'JFN'
Cleffing Tromba I-III: Violin; Timpani: Baß; Flauti: Violin; Oboe I, II: Violin; Violini: Violin; Viola: Alt; Soprano I, II: Sopran; Alto: Alt; Tenore: Tenor; Basso: Baß; Continuo: Baß
Safe-keeping/Quire/Foliation The leaves are bound into a green cover (partly there are leaves which are put inside lose);
volume 1 is paginated from 2 to 226, volume 2 from 2 to 268.
Scribe unknown scribe

2. Contents
Arrangement                           Volume 1: BWV 232, "Kyrie" and "Gloria"
Volume 2: "Symbolum Nicenum", "Sanctus", "Osanna", "Benedictus", "Agnus Dei", "Dona nobis pacem"
Title page Volume 1: "Missa. / Atto I.mo / Di / Sebastian Bach.";
Volume 2: "Missa. / Atto II.do / Di / Sebastian Bach."

3. Miscellaneous
Foreign/later entries                On the flyleaf of volume 1: "Wenn man dieses Werk in gedrängter Kürze / geben möchte, so könnten vielleicht folgende Nummern ausfallen: / No 2 und 3-5 und 6 und 9"
on the flyleaf of volume 2: "Sollte man dieses Werk etwas verkürzen / müssen, so könnten folgende Nummern / ausgelassen werden: / No 21 und 23"
Numbering of the movements and completion of designation of instruments (with ink);
notes for performance (pencil), partly measure numbers, partly underlaying of the text
Condition of source well (only little bleed-through)
Provenance ? - Berlin, Königliches Institut für Kirchenmusik - Moskau - Berlin, Staatsbibliothek "Unter den Linden" - Berlin, Universität der Künste (formerly Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst), library
