D-Berlin, Universität der Künste, library

Copy of the concerto for two harpsichords in c Minor, BWV 1060

1. Appearance
Shelfmark                              H 791, fascicle 2
Extent 11 leaves
Measurement, in cm 33,5 x 22
Rastrology, in cm 0,9
Paper/Watermark not identifiable
Quire/Foliation The parts are bound in a blue cover of cardboard and stitched with thread each.
Scribe unknown scribe
Dating 1st half of 19th century

2. Contents
Arrangement                           Violino I:
f. 1r: title-heading: "Concerto. / Violino primo. / Allegro.", BWV 1060/1, mm. 1 - 51
f. 1v: mm. 52 - 99
f. 2r: mm. 100 - 110
         BWV 1060/2, "Largo", mm. 1 - 24
f. 2v: mm. 25 - 37
         BWV 1060/3, "Allegro.", mm. 1 - 32
f. 3r: mm. 33 - 117
f. 3v: mm. 118 - 178

Violino II:
f. 1r: title-heading: "Concerto. / Violino secondo. / Allegro", mm. 1 - 47
f. 1v: mm. 48 - 101
f. 2r: mm. 102 - 110
         BWV 1060/2, "Largo, pizzicato", mm. 1 - 27
f. 2v: T, 28 - 37
         BWV 1060/33, "Allegro.", mm. 1 - 48
f. 3r: mm. 49 - 117
f. 3v: mm. 118 - 178

f. 1r: title-heading: "Concerto / Viola. / Allegro.", mm. 1 - 55
f. 1v: mm. 56 - 104a
f. 2r: mm. 104b - 110
         BWV 1060/2, "Largo.", mm. 1 - 26
f. 2v: mm. 27 - 37
         BWV 1060/3, "Allegro.", mm. 1 - 49
f. 3r: mm. 49 - 105
f. 3v: mm. 106 - 178

f. 1r: title-heading: "Concerto / Basso / Allegro", mm. 1 - 47
f. 1v: mm. 48 - 99
f. 2r: mm. 100 - 110
         BWV 1060/2, "Largo.", mm. 1 - 26
f. 2v: mm. 27 - 37
         BWV 1060/3, "Allegro.", mm. 1 - 48
f. 3r: mm. 49 - 105
f. 3v: mm. 106 - 178
Title page "Concerto / di / Joh. Sebast. Bach. / [designation of instrument] / No 9."

3. Miscellaneous
Foreign/later entries                Corrections and addenda of notes (with pencil).
Condition of source well (partly bleed-through)
Provenance ? - Berlin, Königliches Institut für Kirchenmusik - Moskau - Staatsbibliothek "Unter den Linden" - Berlin, Universität der Künste (früher Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst), library
Remarks In the Continuo-part m. 101 of the first movement was forgotten (on f. 2r). It was appended subsequent to the movement with pencil.
