Ich freue mich in dir BWV 133; BC A 16 GND

Third Day of Christmas, Choral Cantatas in the Second Leipzig Cantata Cycle
Chorale cantata
Psalm: Psalm 100
Epistel: Hebräer 1, 1-12
Epistel: Jesus Sirach 15, 1-8
Epistel: 1. Johannes 1, 1-10
Gospel: Johannes 1, 1-14
Gospel: Johannes 21, 20-24
S*, A*, T*, B*, S, A, T, B; Cto, 2 Ob d’am, 2 Vl, Va, Bc

Date of origin, Work history
vor dem 27. Dezember 1724
First performance on December 27, 1724. Subsequent performance around 1746–1749 (Scribe Anon. L 135 Basso continuo additional copy); further performance after Bach's death, at the latest during the interim directorship under C. F. Barth/C. F. Penzel around 1755 (copies, see below). In the autograph score for the Sanctus in D BWV 232.1 (D-B: P 13), there is a transcription of the song Ich freue mich in dir (NBA Suppl., page 190, P. Wollny, 2011)
Early performances
, Leipzig (Premiere) (Link to event)
relation to other works:
is part of BWV diverse [2. Jg.]
is part of BWV diverse [2. Jg. a]
relation from other works:
is adapted in BWV 133/6 ChS
In der autogr. Partitur zum Sanctus in D BWV 232.1 (D-B: P 13) Niederschrift des Liedes Ich freue mich in dir (NBA Suppl., S. 190f., P. Wollny, 2011). Wiederaufführung um 1746–1749 (Schreiber Anon. L 135 Bc-Dublette); Wiederaufführung nach Bachs Tod, spätestens im Interimskantorat unter C. F. Barth/C. F. Penzel um 1755 (Abschriften s. u.).
Link to videos:
Ich freue mich in dir, BWV 133 (Collegium Vocale Gent, Ph. Herreweghe)

C. Ziegler (date of composition 1648; first print 1697), stanza 1 and 4 kept literally (movement 1 and 6), stanzas 2–3 (movement 2–5) reworked (author unknown)
Link to lyrics

Original sources
D-B Mus.ms. Bach P 1215 [Score]
D-B Mus.ms. Bach St 387, Faszikel 1 [Part(s)]
D-LEb Thomana 133, Faszikel 1 (Depositum im Bach-Archiv) [Part(s)]
Additional sources
CH-Zz Ms.Car XV 244 (32) : B 6 [vocal score / piano reduction]
A-Sd MN 102, Faszikel 5 [Score]
D-B Am.B 44 [Konvolut] [Score]
D-B Am.B 44, Faszikel 6 [Score]
D-Bhm RH 1118 [Konvolut] [Score]
D-B Mus.ms. Bach P 50, Faszikel 5 [Score]
D-B Mus.ms. Bach P 455, Faszikel 1 [Score]
D-B Mus.ms. Bach P 860 [Score]
D-B Mus.ms. Bach P 1039 [Score]
PL-Wu RM 5920 [Score]
Verschollen BWV 133, Breitkopf [Score]
Verschollen BWV 133, H. G. Nägeli [1] [Score]
Verschollen BWV 133, H. G. Nägeli [2] [Score]
Verschollen BWV 133, J. Traeg [Score]
Verschollen BWV 133 (1), Farrenc (Paris) [Score]
Verschollen Choralsammlung [Score]
Verschollen Choralsammlung [Score]
[Verschollen, Stammhandschriften der Kantaten, J. Traeg] [Score]
CH-Zz Ms.Car XV 244 (32) : A 9 [Score and part(s)]
D-B Mus.ms. Bach St 387, Faszikel 2 [Part(s)]
D-LEb Thomana 133, Faszikel 2 [nach 1750] (Depositum im Bach-Archiv) [Part(s)]


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